Reutilizaciónde código: Esquemas de BD

Estatus: Apuntes

Inspired by "Constructing Information Systems Based on Schema Reuse" Wen-Syan Li, Richard D. Holowczak, Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Information and knowledge management, 1996 ISBN:0-89791-873-8.

Code reuse as blocks comprising whatever is below. Reverse engineering the database from the bottom up to infer reusable components. Mixing and matching for re-engeneering, data manipulation, data interface, data warehousing.

Who the heck uses it in Mexico? I guess nobody.

Take components that span the whole top down app strata, design a way to have them "click" onto "parallel" and "transverse" components in a seamless manner (or as seamless as can be done in an automatic fashion).

To resolve the clickability dilemma, in order of complexity: flagging algorithms to ID conflicts or potential conflicts (e.g. two or more comps modify data in the same entity, raise a flag for manual review), environment-aware components (make code that knows what to do in certain combinations, changing methods and properties accordingly, might be triggered in the design process by the flagging algorithm so then the new code is made and put into the known-resolutions matrix, this implies that the matrix also supports a known no-conflict state for interactions), genetic algorithms to combine components [?] (sounds daunting: have different combinations of stuff duke it out on a virtual environment, where fitness is decided by conformance to test/use cases defined in the design specs).

The paper mentions a faceted classification technique and a neural network technique to determine components. Must look up faceted lass technique in its citation [11] See also "Entity-Relationship modeling revisited" Antonio Badia, ACM SIGMOD Record, Volume 33 , Issue 1 March 2004.

--- Empieza trabajo de traducción

Reutilización de código y Implicaciones para bases de datos
Inspirado por el artículo "Constructing Information Systems Based on Schema Reuse" Wen-Syan Li, Richard D. Holowczak, Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Information and knowledge management, 1996 ISBN:0-89791-873-8.



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Aquí están mis artículos técnicos; los artículos de administración de sistemas, de desarrollo, y del ambiente laboral en general los pueden encontrar en http://mzamoramis.blogspot.com.

Tengo muchos años de apuntes con ideas para artículos, desde que empecé a escribir en revistas especializadas de tecnologías de información. Empezaré por transcribir un par de apuntes de las últimas semanas.

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